At St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, our governors play a key role in representing the views of our patients, public and staff members. They make sure our services meet the needs of our patients and members of public.

If you have an interest in our Trust and in helping us continue to deliver the best possible care to our patients, then please consider standing for election as a governor.

We’re currently holding vacancies for governor seats:

  • 3 seats in the Wandsworth public constituency
  • 2 seats in the Merton public constituency
  • 1 seat in the South West Lambeth public constituency
  • 3 seats in the Rest of England public constituency
  • 1 seat in the medical and dental staff constituency
  • 1 seat in the nursing and midwifery staff constituency
  • 1 seat in the allied health professionals and other clinical and technical staff constituency

All posts will start on 1 February 2024.

Terms of office 

The Trust constitution states that a governor is elected for a period of 3 years, with the opportunity to stand for re-election for up to two further 3-year terms.

To be eligible to stand for election and/or vote, you must be a member of the Trust before the close of nominations. All members will receive information about how to stand and/or vote for election by email or in the post.


Nominations opened on Friday 13 October and close on Friday 10 November 2023 at 5 pm.

We encourage people of all backgrounds and experiences to put themselves forward to help make sure that the voice of our Council of Governors is representative of the diverse communities that we serve.


Voting will open on Thursday 30 November 2023 and will close on Wednesday 20 December 2023 at 5 pm.

It is important that your voice is heard and we hope all members will vote in the elections when voting opens.

Results will be announced on Thursday 21 December 2023.

Further information

If you would like to know more about standing as a Governor, we are holding an information session for members of the public and staff on Monday 23 October, 5:00 – 5:45 pm. The information session will be held virtually via MS Teams. This is an opportunity to hear from our Independent Returning Officer about the election process and get a flavour from the Trust about what it is like to be a Governor.

If you are interested in attending the information session, please email to book your place.

Further details of the elections, including the Notice of the Election and guidance on preparing your election statement is available on the website of our Independent Returning Officer: Home (