The St George’s Quality Account 2013/14 is now available on the trust’s website and on the NHS Choices website

Every NHS trust in the country publishes a Quality Account each year. Quality Accounts assess how well a trust is performing against national targets set by the Department of Health. Our Quality Account offers an honest assessment of what has gone well and what hasn’t, and how we plan to improve or maintain performance for each indicator over the next year.

The St George’s Quality Account also reports on services that local partners and patients have told us they would like to see included, like the work we are doing to reduce pressure ulcers and patient falls, and how we are improving access to services for people with learning disabilities.

Miles Scott, Chief Executive, said:

Our latest Quality Account is littered with examples of high performance and key improvements in patient safety, patient experience and patient outcomes.

“We are one of the few trusts in the country to have reported significantly lower than expected mortality rates every year since publication started, with our ratios dropping even further during 2013/14. The number of patients acquiring c.difficile this year compared to last year has more than halved. 36 per cent fewer senior health patients suffered a fall in hospital or at home. Last year we also further increased the number of clinical audits we took part in.

“We achieve these high levels because the culture at St George’s is to always look at how we can improve. There is a deep rooted desire running throughout the organisation to always find ways to make things better for our patients.”

Notes to editors

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