Kathryn Harrison to step down as Lead Governor
“I feel so proud to have been part of this organisation.”
In May this year, Kathryn Harrison will step down from her role as Lead Governor at the Trust.
As a Foundation Trust, St George’s has both staff and public Governors. All of our Governors are elected, and play a key role in holding the Trust Board and the decisions they take to account.
Kathryn is a public Governor, and will remain in her role until Christmas, when her term comes to an end, at which point her formal association with the Trust will end – and she speaks highly and affectionately of her time in the role.
Kathryn first became a Shadow Governor in 2013 prior to St George’s being made a Foundation Trust, and took on the role of Lead Governor in 2014.
She said: “I’d worked in the civil service my entire career, and when I left I decided I wanted to do something different. The opportunity of becoming a Governor at St George’s came up and, given my personal connection with the organisation, it felt like a great thing to do.”
Kathryn currently lives in Twickenham, but has a personal connection with our renal team here at St George’s, having donated a kidney to her husband Ian back in 2010 after he had kidney failure.
“The care we both had was excellent – and St George’s became like a second home to us. Everybody was so kind – the clinical staff of course, but also the receptionists, porters, everybody. It means I now have a real connection to the place – and Ian is doing great.”
So what is it like being a Governor?
“I would encourage people to do it. The role of the Governor has evolved so much since we started, and we really are a truly credible voice in the organisation now. You can also help staff with day to day problems, both big and small.
“The Trust Board is now really well established, and whilst there are still challenges, the organisation is going places – so it is nice to think I played a part in that journey.”
A big thank you to Kathryn, and all other Governors – staff and public – for their support and the role they plan in life here at St George’s.
Speaking of Kathryn’s contribution, Gillian Norton, our Chairman, said:
“I have very much enjoyed working with Kathryn and valued her support and challenge greatly. We will all miss her and her huge commitment to George’s, but wish her the very best in the future.”
To find out more about the role of Governors at St George’s, please visit our website.