Join us for our Annual Members’ Meeting – Thursday 16 September 2021
The Trust’s Annual Members’ Meeting is taking place on Thursday 16 September, 6pm-7.30pm.
This year’s meeting will take place on Microsoft Teams, with all welcome to attend to learn more about the work of the Trust over the past year.
You can hear from our teams who have been going above and beyond to care for patients during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as about the outstanding work of our vaccine clinic team.
You can also hear from Randika and Paul (pictured with daughter Emily), who were featured in the ground-breaking Baby Surgeons documentary that was filmed at St George’s. They will be talking about their experiences being part of the Channel 4 series, and how St George’s staff helped them and baby Emily throughout their pregnancy.
During the meeting, we will be sharing our annual accounts, the highlights and challenges of 2020-21, as well as looking forward to the year ahead. You can view a copy of our latest annual report on our website here.
There is no need to book and you can join the event from anywhere – on a computer, tablet or a smartphone. Simply follow this link at 6.00pm on Thursday 16 September 2021: St George’s Annual Members’ Meeting 2021.
For further information and to submit a question in advance of the meeting, please contact