On the day of Medical Induction
Location: St George’s Hospital; Education Centre; Perimeter Road; SW17 0QT
Lectures: All lectures are run online; pre-recorded videos are available via iLearn Platform to be watched at home:
- Course: Medical Induction Lectures (stgeorges.nhs.uk);
- Course: Study Leave, Grey Book and other important information (stgeorges.nhs.uk)
New Starter Essentials: Education Centre, Perimeter Road, St George’s Hospital (Please visit all stations unless instructed otherwise: SMART Cards , ID Badges*, Medical HR, Resus, Library, Occupational Health Clearance (if required). If you have your SMART Card already, please bring it with you; *Please bring as well your photo ID with you e.g. Passport/Driving licence.
IT Logins: You will receive separate email with your Trust email address; Username and Password week before your Induction;
Local Induction: You will receive information of your Local Induction directly from your department, if you have not received this please email PGME@stgeorges.nhs.uk to follow up.
*Swipe Access for ID Badges: All staff ID badges do not have pre-loaded access permissions. Your Service Managers have been advised to email the Security Office and request that the necessary access is issued for you. To obtain this, you will need to visit the Security Office on the ground floor of Grosvenor Wing with your ID Badge (Authorised access can be added by Security to both permanent and temporary ID badges).