Wellbeing resources for staff
One to one support
- Staff Support at St Georges- 0208 7253368, or email StaffSupport@StGeorges.nhs.uk
- National NHS Staff Support Line, confidential 7am – 11pm, 0800 06 96 222 or text FRONTLINE to 85258 (open 24/7)
- Counselling support– Association of Christian Counsellors are offering all NHS staff who have been directly impacted bereaved from Covid-19 up to 10 telephone or online sessions by visiting https://www.acc-uk.org/news/hidden-holding-pages/covid-19-crisis-counselling-support-service.html
General wellbeing
- Three wellbeing support sessions for all NHS staff- Project 5 offers a host of free information and advice leaflets, plus short videos. Please visit https://www.project5.org/
- Culturally diverse and all staff common rooms by the National People Team and NHS Practitioner Health Programme – an opportunity for staff to come together and support each other, hosted by an approved practitioner. To register visit https://www.events.england.nhs.uk/events/common-rooms
- Short wellbeing video collection– Finding calm among the chaos is a short wellbeing video collection with simple tools to reduce stress in a short time. Please visit https://people.nhs.uk/finding-calm-amongst-chaos/
- 30 minute WebChats or phone calls– Relate are offering free and confidential. Visit: relate.org.uk/relatehubNHS for more information including opening hours or Phone 0300 303 4477
Support for clinical staff
- Free psychological support to clinical staff– Association of Psychologists are offering free psychological support to senior NHS Medical Staff, Clinical Team Leaders and Senior Management. Please visit https://acpuk.org.uk/covid_response_senior_colleagues_support/
- Intensive Care Society- Free psychological support to all Intensive Care staff. Please visit https://www.ics.ac.uk/ICS/Wellbeing_hub/wellbeing_support.aspx
- Royal College Nursing- Free counselling support to all RCN members. Please visit https://www.rcn.org.uk/get-help/member-support-services/counselling-service
- The NHS Practitioner Health Programme- A mental health service for all doctors, including psychologists. Please visit https://www.practitionerhealth.nhs.uk/
Support for managers
- Tools for supporting colleagues and promoting effective teaming through busy periods- The Start Well>End Well programme developed by Bristol NHS Trust provides managers with some: https://people.nhs.uk/startwellendwell/
Support for personal issues
- Financial wellbeing support– Run by the Money Advice Service to offer free and impartial advice on money. 0800 448 0826 8am – 6pm, Monday – Friday; or via Whatsapp (add +44 7701 342 744) or via webchat. There is also plenty of free advice available here: https://people.nhs.uk/guides/financial-wellbeing/steps/financial-wellbeing-resources/
- Free arts and craft for parents, carers and families– Place2Be offer free resources and support to help NHS working parents, carers and families during Covid-19. Please visit https://www.place2be.org.uk/keyworkers
- Substance misuse and gambling– Substance Misuse and Gambling support and information please visit https://people.nhs.uk/substance-misuse-and-gambling-support/