ES training for LTFT and RTT trainees
Educational supervisors update:
Supporting LTFT and returning trainees
- Monday Jan 22nd 2024
- 1-2pm online (via teams)
This update is designed to equip ES with the knowledge and skills to support LTFT trainees and those returning to training.
- Dr Rosy Wells, Paediatric Allergy Consultant, LTFT training & SuppoRTT trust champion
- Dr Sophie Vaughan, Consultant Paediatrician, ADME
The course will cover the following situations:
- The process of application to become a LTFT trainee
- Preparing for/managing a LTFT trainee in your department
- Managing a trainee taking time out of training/returning to training
To reserve a place email:
Course leader: ES training for LTFT and RTT traineesCPD points:
Venue: Target audience: