Countering fraud, bribery and corruption
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is committed to reducing instances of fraud, bribery and corruption to a minimum. The Trust has a zero tolerance to fraud which is supported by the Trust Board, the Audit Committee and the Senior Management team.
The Trust directly employs an accredited Counterfraud Specialist, who is responsible for all fraud and bribery awareness across all the Trust sites and also for investigation of allegations of fraud, bribery or corruption within or against the Trust. Our Counterfraud team works closely with the Police, Home Office, department of work and pensions and local councils.
Our Counter fraud team train staff on how to identify potential fraud and bribery and how to report suspected instances.
People do not realise that Fraud and Bribery in the NHS does real harm, especially given the current financial situations the NHS finds itself in. Many people believe it is waste of their time reporting their suspicions as nothing will be done. At St George’s all reported fraud and bribery will be investigated even if the whistle blower wishes to remain anonymous.
What is fraud?
- Working Whilst Sick
- Staff/Patient Identity Fraud / Identity Theft
- Claiming for shifts that have not been worked or completed
- Blue Badge Parking Fraud
- False Expense Claims
- Prescription fraud
- Illegal working
- Application forms completed dishonestly
- Patients using false personal details to obtain free NHS treatment to which they are not entitled
- The non-disclosure of personal interests with suppliers leading to the award of contracts to friends and or relatives.
- Staff receiving gifts and hospitality from suppliers or contractors in exchange for awarding contracts for works and or orders for the supply of goods
How can you Help?
- Make a note of your concerns – who, when, what, where, how
- As soon as possible report any concerns to the Counterfraud Team
- Ignore your concerns
- Approach or accuse individuals
- Be afraid of raising your concerns
- Investigate yourself
- Tell anyone about your concerns other than those with proper authority i.e. LCFS, Chief Financial Officer or NHS Protects reporting line
Report it
Our Local Counter Fraud Specialist deals with all reports of suspected fraud in the strictest confidence. Talk to one of our team confidentially on:
Phone: 020 3201 8776
Contact the National Fraud and Corruption reporting line
On freephone 0800 028 4060 this enables NHS staff and the public to speak confidentially to trained staff. Allegations will then be passed to our Counterfraud Team.
All calls are made in strictest confidence and no attempt will be made to persuade you to provide your personal details if you want to remain anonymous. You will be given a call reference number which you can quote if you phone again with additional information.
National Fraud Initiative
In 2022/23 we are participating in the Cabinet Office’s National Fraud Initiative. This is a data matching exercise within and between public and private sector bodies to prevent and detect fraud.
Remember that fraud, bribery and corruption can make victims of us all