Access your health records
What does the Data Protection Act mean to me?
The General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) provide standards and requirements for handling personal data that all organisations must follow, including the NHS. DPA adapts GDPR for inclusion in UK law.
Your rights in relation to your personal information are described in the Trust’s privacy information. One of these rights is access to your records, please see below for more information.
How do I request access to my own medical records?
FOI excludes requests for personal information. An individual’s access to their patient records/clinical information is still covered by the Data Protection Act for which different procedures apply.
If you would like to request a copy of your own medical records, or to request access to patient records as a personal representative of a deceased patient, visit the following
Please send or email your completed application form and all relevant paperwork to the address or email below:
Subject Access Team
Health Records Department
St George’s University NHS Foundation Trust
Blackshaw Road
SW17 0QT
Tel: 0208 725 0508