Tagged: efficiency

St George’s shortlisted for HSJ Award!
News & events | 18 Sep 2015 | Tags: efficiency electronic prescribing ePMA HSJ awards medicine administration technology Will Hall
The electronic prescribing and medicines administration (ePMA) team have been shortlisted for the prestigious Health Services Journal award. They have been nominated under the category of ‘Using Technology to Improve Efficiency’ for their entry ‘How electronic prescribing and medicines administration is delivering safer, better and smarter healthcare.’ Electronic prescribing …
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St George’s transfusion initiative named finalist in 2013 HSJ Efficiency Awards
News & events | 19 Jun 2013 | Tags: awards blood efficiency HSJ savings transfusion
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, has been listed as a finalist in the 2013 HSJ Efficiency Awards for an innovative blood transfusion initiative which aims to improve patient safety and save money.
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Innovative project named finalist in 2012 HSJ Efficiency Awards
News & events | 27 Jul 2012 | Tags: award efficiency estates and facilities heat recovery HSJ Hugh Gostling
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, has been listed as a finalist in the 2012 HSJ Efficiency Awards for a heat recovery project that aims to reduce the trust’s carbon footprint and save money.
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