Tagged: cardiac

Cardiac team wins prestigious BMJ Award
News & events | 15 May 2018 | Tags: aortic aneurysm aortic surgery BMJ Award cardiac clinical leadership team of the year
Congratulations to the cardiac team for winning the Clinical Leadership Team of the Year award for the management of aortic aneurysm and aortic valve disease.
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Team of 22 save woman and her unborn baby at St George’s
News & events | 2 May 2017 | Tags: caesarean cardiac emergency Intensive care neonatal unit surgery
A 22 strong team has saved the life of a mother and her unborn baby after a major heart and aortic defect was detected during screening.
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BreckerWire designed to enhance patient safety
News & events | 14 Dec 2012 | Tags: BreckerWIre cardiac Dr Stephen Brecker Miles Scott TAVI
A consultant cardiologist at St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust has designed an innovative device with the aim of reducing the risk of complications during cardiac interventions. Known as the BreckerWire, the device is a new design of intracardiac guidewire developed by Dr Stephen Brecker, a cardiologist at St George’s since 1996.
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500,000th Pacemaker operation at St George’s
News & events | 23 Apr 2009 | Tags: biventricular ICD cardiac heart pacemaker
The 500,000th person in the UK to receive a life-saving heart pacemaker has had the procedure in the same London hospital that undertook the first implant more than 50 years ago. Karl Sidhu, 52, from Camberley in Surrey has had a biventricular ICD fitted, one of the latest generation of …
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