Mental Health and Wellbeing
On this page:
Welcome to our Mental Health and Wellbeing webpage – a central resource for all issues related to mental health and wellbeing in St George’s Hospital.
It is a wholly indefensible statistic that people with serious mental illnesses die on average 15 to 20 years earlier than the general population, acting as a stark reminder that good mental health care is everybody’s business. Whether you have concerns about someone who you are looking after, would like to know a little more about mental health or would like to improve your own psychological wellbeing we do hope that the contents contained in this webpage will prove a useful source of information.
‘Over the next 5yrs the NHS must drive towards an equal response to mental and physical health, and towards the two being treated together’
Five Year Forward View, NHS England (2014).
- Psychiatric service provision in St George’s Hospital
- Staff support in St George’s Hospital
- Local and National voluntary services
- A to Z of mental health conditions
- A guide to the Mental Health Act 1983
- Local and National Policies
- Calendar of events
- Training matrix (under construction)
- Feedback area
Psychiatric Service Provision in St George’s Hospital
Liaison Psychiatry Service
020 8725 3795 (or bleep 6501 via switchboard)
Main office 2nd Floor Grosvenor Wing, SGH & Outpatient Clinic in Willow Annexe
Hours of operation: 24/7 (inc. weekends and Bank Holidays)
Liaison Psychiatry is a service for people either admitted to, or being seen as an outpatient at the St George’s Hospital site (including the Emergency Department/ Urgent Care Centre) who have mental health difficulties, or have presented at the Emergency Department with a mental health crisis and/or deliberate self-harm (DSH) – for a more detailed description of the service the Operational Policy is available on request.
Main interventions and treatments:
- Consultation, assessment, advice and assistance in the management of mental health problems and serious behavioural disorders in the general hospital;
- Diagnosis of particular mental disorders;
- A range of psychological, psychosocial and pharmacological treatments, including short term, focused psychological therapies delivered in the general hospital setting;
- The assessment and initial psychiatric management of patients presenting following self-harm. This includes the compilation and initiation of a risk management plan;
- The assessment and treatment of patients presenting with a mental health crisis to the Emergency Department;
- Assessment of capacity to consent to, or refuse, treatment or care in complex cases;
- Assessment and management of mental health problems in older adults and those receiving end of life care;
- Following assessment of patients, referral to appropriate statutory and non-statutory agencies, including other NHS mental health services and social services;
- Education and training for the staff and students of St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust, St George’s University of London, and the Joint Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences in the recognition, understanding, treatment and management of common mental health problems in the general hospital;
- Specific advice and training on the use of legislation in relation to mental health problems in the general hospital, including the Mental Health Act and the Mental Capacity Act;
- Support and advice to carers.
Referral criteria and process: bleep 6501 to discuss the referral with a member of the team. During normal working hours, referrers will be able to access advice/ support from a Consultant Psychiatrist (where available). Referrers should ensure that the patient has been medically examined, informed of the referral and is fit for interview.
Escalation process: to escalate specific issues or concerns;
In hours – in the first instance discuss with Liaison Psychiatry Team Manager or Nurse-in-Charge. For matters requiring further escalation, please refer to the St George’s Liaison Psychiatry Escalation Chart (available on request)
Out of hours – access to the on-call manager and on-call director is through the Switch board 020 3513 5000 / 0203 513 6487
Contingency/ provision out of hours: N/A
DALT / Alcohol Liaison Team
020 8725 0595 (or bleep 6915 via switchboard)
Main office 3rd Floor St James Wing, SGH
Hours of operation: 9-5 Monday to Saturday
We are a team of 3 specialist nurses, and we assess any patients aged over 16 who are problematic drug / alcohol users in the ED and all adult inpatient wards at St. George’s Hospital. We also offer nurse prescribing and advice on medication, advise on admission and discharge of patients and provide links with community teams and signposting for on-going treatment. In addition, we offer teaching/ training to Trust staff about alcohol withdrawal management.
Referral criteria and process: bleep 6915 or phone 0595 (voicemail available) with patient’s name and MRN number and a brief history.
Contingency/ provision out of hours: ED presentations please complete the out of hours referral form and we will collect it and contact the patient. Admitted patients on wards we will see the next working day
Perinatal Mental Health Team
020 8266 6984
Main office 2nd Floor Grosvenor Wing, SGH & Outpatient Clinic in Willow Annexe
Hours of operation: 9-5 Monday to Friday
The team specialises in the assessment, diagnosis and short term treatment of women affected by a moderate to severe mental illness in the pre-conception, antenatal and postnatal period. At present we offer this service to Wandsworth and Merton boroughs only. We are also available for SGH inpatient maternity services.
Referral criteria and process: Referrals accepted from GP, Midwife, Health Visitors and other healthcare professionals working in this area.
Contingency/ provision out of hours: no OOH service
St. George’s Old Age Liaison Psychiatry Service
020 8725 3795 (or bleep 6501 via switchboard)
Main office 2nd Floor Grosvenor Wing, SGH
Hours of operation: 9-5 Monday to Friday
For people of 65> years and for people with early onset dementia i.e. <65yrs. For assessment and review of all mental health conditions and commonly of delirium, dementia and depression.
Referral criteria and process: Referrals accepted from any healthcare professional in St George’s Hospital via bleep 6501.
Contingency/ provision out of hours: no OOH service
CAMHS Emergency Care Service (CECS)
Tel: 07870917114, Fax: 020 3513 4453
Harewood House, Springfield Hospital
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday (9am to 3pm comprehensive CAMHS assessments for appropriate referrals, 3pm to 5pm consultation/ advice only), Saturday to Sunday (9am to 5pm comprehensive CAMHS assessments for appropriate referrals, 5pm to 7pm consultation/ advice only), closed on Bank Holidays.
CECS is a team of CAMHS Clinical Nurse Specialists who provide assessments and management plans for young people up to age 18 presenting with a mental health crisis to ED’s and paediatric wards. The team work from community bases in Wandsworth, Sutton, Merton, Kingston, Richmond and provide a service to 4 local hospitals: St Georges Hospital, St Helier’s Hospital, Kingston Hospital and West Middlesex hospital.
Referral criteria and process: Referrals to the service can be made by any healthcare professional working in the ED or wards across the 4 local hospitals. To make a referral please complete a CECS referral form and fax to 020 3513 4453, please call to confirm the fax has been received. To obtain a copy of the form or if you need any other information feel free to contact the service on 07870917114. Once a referral is accepted a member of the team will travel to the hospital and begin the assessment. During the assessment the nurse will talk with the young person and family to gain an understanding of their current situation, health, family and social history. If a referral does not meet criteria for the CECS we will provide advice and liaison on next steps.
Referral Criteria – The young people suitable for referral to CECS include those who have presented to the ED with:
- an episode of self-harm
- serious intent or risk of suicide attempt
- acute onset of psychosis
- acute deterioration in mental health
CECS also provide urgent 5 working day follow ups for young people who are registered with a GP in one of the trusts 5 boroughs and who have presented to local and non-local hospitals.
Contingency/ provision out of hours: Out of hours CAMHS assessments at St Georges Hospital are covered by the Liaison Psychiatry Service, a CAMHS SPR is also available for support via the SWLSTG switchboard on 020 3513 5000. CECS will provide follow up appointments within 5 working days for young people who are assessed and discharged out of hours and can make contact with those young people and families on the day of referral.
Neuropsychiatry Service
020 8725 3786
Main office 2nd Floor Grosvenor Wing, SGH & Outpatient Clinic in Willow Annexe
Hours of operation: 9-5 Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
The team see a wide range of neuropsychiatric conditions which are: assessed and managed within the service including neuropsychiatric co-morbidities associated with various neurological conditions, functional neurological disorders [FND] and other organic psychiatric conditions. Anyone who uses our services first gets an assessment of their neuropsychiatry/ mental health needs and a plan of the care, treatment and support they will receive.A FND workshop occurs every 2-months in conjunction with Atkinson Morley Regional Neurosciences Centre which patients are referred via a neurologist.
The Neuropsychiatry Service serves the catchment areas of South West London Boroughs of Wandsworth, Merton and Sutton, Croydon, Kingston and Richmond and whole of Surrey. It is closely allied to the Atkinson Morley Regional Neurosciences Centre based at St George’s Hospital London. The Neuropsychiatry Service provides a regional outpatient neuropsychiatry service and inpatient liaison service for inpatients at the Atkinson Morley Regional Neurosciences Centre on various neurosciences wards. The outpatient service covers over 3 million population and receives referrals from neurologists, psychiatrists or from GPs. A wide range of neuropsychiatric conditions are assessed and managed within the service including neuropsychiatric co-morbidities associated with various neurological conditions, functional neurological disorders [FND] and other organic psychiatric conditions.
Referral criteria and process: We accept referrals from a wide range of neuroscience and mental health professionals, as well as from GPs so long as they are appropriate. Outpatient referrals are made through a referral letter. For complex patients telephone discussions are welcome once we have received the initial paperwork.New patients may be seen whilst they are inpatients or day patients at one of the neurology or neurosurgical wards of St. George’s Hospital. However, the majority of referrals involve outpatient assessment and treatment.
Contingency/ provision out of hours: no OOH service (please refer to Liaison Psychiatry Service).
Paediatric Psychology Service
020 8725 2214
Main office 2nd Floor Lanesborough Wing, SGH & Clinic rooms on 5th Floor Lanesborough Wing (opposite the School Room and Blue Sky Centre)
Hours of operation: weekdays 9-5
Service is for children and young people aged 0-18 and their parents and siblings with adherence problems, adjustment to diagnosis, coping with symptoms, procedural anxiety, other behavioural/emotional problems related to paediatric condition, severe toileting problems, psychosomatic problems, siblings and parents affected by illness or death of a child under St. George’s care, feeding/eating difficulties related to paediatric condition, children in distress during admission, neuropsychology services if referred by Neurology.
Exclusions: over 18 (unless during transition/handover), distance from hospital if an appropriate local service available, no paediatric condition, where child protection issues or risk issues (self-harm, suicidal ideation) who are better served by CAMHS/social services, behavioural/emotional condition is unrelated to paediatric condition, where medical treatment is at another hospital, where referral is for assessment or treatment of ASD/ADHD.
Referral criteria and process: outpatients must be referred by a paediatric consultant for a child being seeing at St. George’s Hospital with a difficulty related to their paediatric condition (referral via letter to team). Some services (e.g. diabetes, asthma) have direct funding so could be seen quicker (referral through staff in team). Inpatients can be referred by any ward staff and we aim to see within 48 hours (referral by telephone).
Contingency/ provision out of hours: N/A – answerphone where messages can be left.
Staff Support and Counselling Service
It essential that anyone who is involved with caring for others feels adequately supported in their role. This involves not only personal emotional support, but also the provision of a supportive working environment and adequate strategies to recognise and manage stressful situations.
The aim of the Staff Support and Counselling Service is to create a caring and healthy working environment. They achieve this by providing a number of services for all staff. For more information, please click here (internal staff only)
Local & National Support Services
Wandsworth Services;
Alcohol and Drug Services: WCDAS Battersea
020 8812 4120
St John’s Therapy Centre, 162 St. John’s Hill, Battersea, London, SW11 1SW
Wandsworth Community Drug and Alcohol Service (WCDAS) provides community drug and alcohol treatment and support services in Battersea, Tooting and Roehampton.
Alzheimer’s Society – South West London Branch
0208 687 0922
67 Whitford Gardens Mitcham United Kingdom, CR4 4AA
The Merton branch of the Alzheimer’s Society provides information, advice and support to anyone in the Wandsworth borough with a diagnosis of dementia, and their families and carers.
020 7207 1786
Katherine Low Settlement, 108 Battersea High St, Battersea, SW11 3HP
Mama Low’s Kitchen is a weekly user-led mental health drop-in service, organised by Sound Minds and Canerows and Plaits, but based at Katherine Low Settlement on Battersea High Street.
One Support – floating support for mental health needs
020 8821 5365
Wandsworth Floating Support for Mental Health, Unit 1, Rayners Court, 737 Garratt Lane, Earlsfield, SW17 0PD
One Support provides floating support (outreach services) to people with mental health needs that are aged 18 to 64 and live in London Borough of Wandsworth.
Together (Wandsworth – Your Way)
07874 235 865
Heathbridge Medical Centre, 125 Upper Richmond Road, Putney, London, SW15 2TL
Your Way is a service from the mental health charity Together, which offers services to help people who are experiencing mental health issues.
020 8767 1619
28 Glenburnie Road, Tooting, London, SW17 7PY
Tooting Neighbourhood Centre offers services and support for the local community, such as home care, respite for carers, a mental health club, and other help for older and disabled people.
Veterans’ support service Wandsworth – STOLL
020 7385 2110
STOLL, 446 Fulham Road, London, SW6 1DT
STOLL’s veterans’ support service provides help and assistance for residents of the borough of Wandsworth who have served in the British Armed Forces.
Tel: 020 8877 1200, Fax: 020 8877 3936
181 Wandsworth High Street, London, SW18 4JE
Wandsworth Carers’ Centre provides free and confidential information, advice, support and more to carers living in Wandsworth or supporting someone who lives in Wandsworth.
Wandsworth Carers’ Centre – Mental Health Project
Tel: 020 8877 1200, Fax: 020 8877 3936
181 Wandsworth High Street, London, SW18 4JE
This project provides one-to-one support, information or advice, support to make your views known and to talk to professionals, and offers a space to talk about how your situation affects you.
Wandsworth Self-Management Service
020 8812 6750
Wandsworth Self-Management Service provides support for people living with long-term health conditions.
Wandsworth Well Family Service
020 8874 0730 (answerphone)
Family Action, c/o Lifetimes, 100 Wandsworth High Street, Wandsworth, SW18 4LA
Family Action is piloting a one year early intervention mental health service across Wandsworth in partnership with Wandsworth Clinical Commissioning Group.
National Services;
Tel: 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call)
Provides confidential, non-judgmental emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those that could lead to suicide. You can phone, email, write a letter or in most cases talk to someone face to face.
0300 123 3393 (9am-6pm Monday to Friday)
Mind provides confidential mental health information services. With support and understanding, Mind enables people to make informed choices. The Infoline gives information on types of mental distress, where to get help, drug treatments, alternative therapies and advocacy. Mind has around 140 local Minds providing local mental health services.
Rethink Mental Illness Advice Line
0300 5000 927 (9.30am-4pm Monday to Friday)
Provides expert advice and information to people with mental health problems and those who care for them, as well as giving help to health professionals, employers and staff. Rethink also runs Rethink services and groups across England and Northern Ireland.
0300 304 7000 (4:30pm-10:30pm)
Saneline is a national mental health helpline providing information and support to people with mental health problems and those who support them.
0808 808 4994 (11am-11pm, free to call)
The Mix provides judgment-free information and support to young people aged 13-25 on a range of issues including mental health problems. Young people can access the The Mix’s support via phone, email, peer to peer and counselling services.
A to Z of Mental Health Conditions
Select a specialised area;
- Addiction
- Agoraphobia
- Alcohol misuse
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Anorexia nervosa
- Antisocial personality disorder
- Anxiety
- Anxiety disorders in children
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Binge eating disorder
- Bipolar disorder
- Bulimia
- Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
- Confusion, sudden
- Depression
- Dissociative disorders
- Eating disorders
- Hoarding disorder
- Hypochondria
- Insomnia
- Munchausen’s syndrome
- Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy
- Obsessive compulsive disorder
- Panic disorder
- Phobias
- Postnatal depression
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Psychotic depression
- Psychotic episodes
- Schizophrenia
- Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
- Self-harm
- Social anxiety disorder (social phobia)
- Stress
- Suicide
A guide to the Mental Health Act 1983
The Mental Health Act (MHA) 1983 (which was substantially amended in 2007) is the law in England and Wales that allows people with a ‘mental disorder’ to be admitted to hospital, detained and treated without their consent – either for their own health and safety, or for the protection of other people.
Essential criteria for detaining a patient under the MHA;
- The patient is suffering from or there is a suspicion the patient is suffering from a mental disorder of a nature or degree that it is necessary for their health or safety or for the protection of others to remain in/ go into hospital and be assessed/ treated for that disorder.
- There is a recognised treatment for the mental disorder.
- Every attempt has been made to get them to accept assessment/ treatment without the use of compulsory powers – the ‘least restrictive’ principle.
Section 5(2) – doctors holding power;
You can only use a section 5(2) on patients that are already admitted to a ward. A section 5(2) can last for up to 72hrs. During this period a Mental Health Act assessment should take place to determine whether a section 2 or 3 is needed. Only a doctor with full GMC registration can detain a patient under a section 5(2) – usually the on-call registrar in St George’s Hospital. Note – there is no provision for treatment or renewal under section 5(2).
Section 2 – assessment;
The purpose of Section 2 is to carry out an assessment as to whether the patient is suffering from a mental disorder. A Section 2 is applied for by an approved mental health professional (AMHP) with the recommendation of two doctors. The two doctors must have seen the patient within five days of the application. A Section 2 lasts for a maximum of 28 days and can be used to treat a patient with consent (or without consent if a diagnosis has been established).
Section 3 – treatment;
A section 3 is used to treat a mental disorder. Treatment can include medication, psychological treatment or nursing care on a ward. As with other sections, the criteria for detention must be fulfilled. Section 3 can last for up to 6 months and then subsequently can be renewed if indicated.
Section 136 – police power of arrest;
A Section 136 allows the police to take someone from a public place to a place of safety, if they think he or she needs immediate care or control. A ‘place of safety’ might be a mental health hospital or an Emergency Department. People can be held under Section 136 for up to 24 hours, during which time they should be seen by a doctor and by an approved mental health professional (AMHP). After which they may then be placed on Section 2 or Section 3, admitted to hospital as a voluntary patient or discharged.
Local & National Policies
Policy for Patients Requiring One-to-One Observation
Violence and Aggression Policy
Guidelines for the Management of Common Medical Emergencies (The Grey Book’ 62nd Edition)
Anorexia Nervosa – MARSIPAN Checklist
Mental Health Strategy in England (House of Commons Library)
Mental Health Legislation (Mental Health Law Online)
Five Year Forward View (Health Education England)
No Health without Mental Health (Department of Health and Social Care)
Treat as One (National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death)
ICD Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders (WHO)
Rapid Tranquillisation Policy (internal staff only)
Mental Health Pathway – Emergency Department (internal staff only)
Mental Health Risk Assessment Matrix – for use in the ED (internal staff only)
Section 136 (MHA 1983) Pathway – Emergency Department (internal staff only)
Calendar of Events
Coming soon…
Mental Health Training Matrix
Staff Group |
Course | Non-clinical | HCSW | Nursing | Allied HCP | Medical | Other (specific) |
Basic Mental Health Awareness (eLearning) access via eMAST Training webpage |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
What Matters: Understanding Mental Health (eLearning) |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Health and Well-being of Older People (eLearning) |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Caring for People with Psychosis and Schizophrenia (eLearning) |
R |
R |
R |
R |
IMPARTS (Classroom based 5 day course, KCL) |
R |
R |
R |
Foundations of Psychological Care (Classroom & Placement based 5 day course, SGH) internal application |
R |
Cancer, Mental Health & End of Life Simulation – CAMHELS (Simulation based 1 day course, SGH) internal application |
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R |
Mental Capacity Act (MCA) |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Security | |
Applying the Mental Health Act 2007 |
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R |
Security |
M = Mandatory Training