Personal Information Disclaimer

4This is to inform you of the risks involved when sending and receiving personal information electronically.


  • Any information transferred out of the trust’s network is NOT SECURE
  • Your personal information could be intercepted by other family members or friends who have access to your email account
  • If you are using a work email account, your employer may have access to these emails and they may be stored and backed up on their system
  • Your personal information will be open to access by cyber products that have the ability to intercept emails without authority
  • The trust cannot be held responsible for the security of your personal information coming into and going out of our network in this case
  • There is no guarantee that the information sent has not been changed before receipt
  • The confidential email(s) sent could be forwarded to other members of the public
  • Your personal information will not be encrypted or sent in a locked file format
  • You will not be informed of the exact date the information is sent. It is your responsibility to retrieve the information

Trust assurance:

  • A review of the information requested will be carried out and the trust reserves the right to refuse to email information if deemed inappropriate or sensitive
  • A copy of any information sent will be retained in the department file (NOT in your medical records unless you specifically request this) and the origin of the information will be verifiable
  • Information will only be sent from an NHS network email – the address will end with or

By corresponding via email you accept and agree to the following statement:

I agree that St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust can send confidential personal information to me via email. I have read and understood the risks associated with this, as detailed above.