Teams across the Trust celebrate Nutrition and Hydration Week
Last week (11-17 March) was Nutrition and Hydration Week, with teams across the Trust organising a variety of events and giveaways for patients, staff and visitors.
The week aims to educate and engage people on the value of food and drink in maintaining health and wellbeing in health and social care. The theme for this year was reinforce, focus and energise.
Across the week, teams arranged events such as ‘Come Dine With Me’ at St George’s and Queen Mary’s Hospitals, giving the public and staff the chance to try some of the healthy and delicious patient meals provided by our supplier, Apetito.
At the end of the week, Jacqueline Totterdell, Chief Executive, and Avey Bhatia, Chief Nurse and Director of Infection Prevention and Control, presented awards to our wards and staff members that go above and beyond to promote good nutrition and hydration.
The Trust’s Dietitians and Speech and Language Therapists also arranged a Twitter takeover of @StGeorgesTrust. Each morning, they posted about the work of their teams and helpful nutrition and hydration information for the public.
Over the course of the week, their tweets were seen over 100,000 times and attracted over 3,600 likes, retweets and comments.
Visit our Twitter page to see some highlights from the takeover.
Click on the gallery below to see some images from the week.