St George’s showcases its main entrance during Open House London Weekend
St George’s Hospital, Tooting, is participating in the Open House London Weekend on 17th and 18th September by showcasing the Grosvenor Wing main entrance.
St George’s Open House day will run from 10:00hrs -16:00hrs and architect Sylwia Nyga from Gibberd Architects, artist Rebecca Salter and landscape designers Charles Funke will be present to talk about their work. Visitors can enjoy a 30 minute guided tour at 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30 and 15:30.
Sharon Welby, assistant director capital projects, said: “We are delighted with the invitation to showcase our main entrance; a project we are extremely proud of. The redesign of the main entrance interior and gardens creates a surprising and highly visible new approach to the hospital. It is a light, welcoming space that retains the reassurance of arriving at one of the country’s principal teaching hospitals and we look forward to explaining the design process to visitors.”
Notes to editors
For more information visit Open House is a concept that was created in London 19 years ago by Open-City, London’s leading independent architecture education organisation. The Open House model invites everyone to experience, explore and understand the value of a well designed built environment. This successful concept has been extended to events in other cities around the world including New York, Dublin & Galway, Tel Aviv & Jerusalem, Barcelona, Rome, Helsinki, Slovenia and Chicago.
Picture shows the new main entrance; high res images available on request.
For more information, please contact the communications team at St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust on 020 8725 5151 or Outside working hours, please page the team by calling 0844 822 2888, leaving a short message and contact details for pager SG548.