St George’s pledges to cut carbon emissions
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has signed up to 10:10, an ambitious and radical national programme which aims to cut carbon emissions to help tackle climate change.
Organisations across the country are taking part in the project, launched in September, and together aim to cut 10 per cent of carbon emissions during 2010. St George’s was one of the first NHS organizations to commit to the programme. Signing up for the 10:10 campaign means reviewing consumption of electricity and fossil fuels. St George’s involvement in 10:10 builds on a long-term commitment the Trust has to tackling environmental issues.
Naaz Coker, Chair of the Trust, said: “By signing up to 10:10 St George’s is making clear its drive to reduce its carbon footprint. Our efforts over the last five years have already led to a reduction in the Trust’s carbon emissions by around 20 per cent. Reducing our use of energy not only makes sense in terms of protecting our environment but also reduces our energy bills.”
Notes to editors
- For more information, please contact contact the Communications Unit on 020 8725 5151 or Outside working hours, please page us by calling 0844 822 2888 and leaving a short message for pager SG548.
- For more information about 10:10, please see