St George’s is one of the most improved trusts for cancer patient experience
St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust has been listed as one of the most improved trusts for cancer patient experience.
This is according to a league table released by Macmillan Cancer Support.
The Macmillan league table is based upon the national cancer patient experience survey 2014 which was published last week and asked over 110,000 cancer patients across the country for their views on their care.
The survey asked patients questions about whether their diagnosis and treatment options were explained clearly to them; whether they felt supported in their care; and whether they felt they were treated with respect. It does not attempt to measure medical care.
The results showed that cancer patients are becoming increasingly positive about their care with 89% rating it as either excellent or very good.
Carol Fenton, General Manager for Macmillan Cancer Support in London said: “We congratulate St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust for coming in as one of the most improved trusts in the country and on the work they have done to achieve this.
“We know that the support and care people receive is as important as their actual treatment, and can make all the difference between coping with cancer and finding it a real struggle. For example, being told about financial help that is available, or being provided with high quality information about their cancer and its treatment.”
Top 10 Most Improved Trusts*
Rank | Trust | Strategic Health Authority |
1 | The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust | West Midlands |
2 | York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust | Northern England |
3 | University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust | Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria |
4 | Luton and Dunstable Hospital NHS Foundation Trust | East Midlands |
5 | Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust | East of England |
6 | Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust | East Midlands |
7 | North Bristol NHS Trust | South West |
8 | Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust | Wessex |
9 | South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust | South West |
10 | St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust | London |
* Only improved or declining statistically significant scores between 2013 and 2014 are reported. Scores that do not show statistically significant change between 2013 and 2014 are not included. Scored questions with less than 20 respondents from any particular Trust are excluded. Non evaluative questions (e.g. “have you had an operation”) have been excluded.
Key findings of the national survey include:
– 89% of patients rated their care as excellent or very good (compared to 88% in 2013 and 2012. No data for 2010).
– 86% of patients said they were given a choice of different types of treatment (compared to 85% in 2013 and 83% in 2010).
– 89% of patients said they were given the name of a Clinical Nurse Specialist (compared to 88% in 2013 and 84% in 2010).
– 91% of patients said the Clinical Nurse Specialist listened carefully to them and that when they asked important questions they got understandable answers all/most of the time (the same ratings as in 2010, 2012 and 2013).
– 95% of patients said they always had enough privacy when being examined or treated (compared to 94% in 2013 and 2012 and 93% in 2010).
– 84% of patients said they were always treated with respect and dignity by staff (compared to 83% in 2013 and 2012 and 82% in 2010).
– 59% of patients say they were given enough care and help from health and social services post discharge (compared with 60% in 2013, 61% in 2012 and 60% in 2010).
– 66% of patients say that GPs and nurses at their general practice did everything they could to support them during their cancer treatment (compared with 68% in 2013, 67% in 2012 and 69% in 2010).
– 63% of patients said the different hospital and community staff worked well together to give the patient the best possible care (compared with 64% in 2013, 62% in 2012 and 61% in 2010).
– 67% of patients say their family or someone close to them had the opportunity to talk to a doctor if they wanted to (compared with 66% in 2013, 65% in 2012 and 66% in 2010).