St George’s celebrates World Mental Health Day
Last week, staff and patients at St George’s got together to mark World Mental Health Day.
Our Health and Wellbeing team arranged an awareness stand in Grosvenor Wing reception at St George’s, and gathered signatures for the Time to Change Mental Health Pledge.
Signing the pledge is a commitment to challenge mental health stigma and to promote positive wellbeing.
On Wednesday, a Mental Health Marketplace was held in the Hyde Park Room, with a range of local organisations in attendance to provide advice and support on mental health issues.
Rhia Gohel, Health and Wellbeing Lead, said: “It is estimated that mental ill health will affect one in four of us at any one time, and the events held at the Trust were to highlight the importance of recognising this. The event was well attended, with over 700 staff signing a personal pledge to help tackle the stigma and discrimination around mental health.”
She added: “If you would like more information or support around this issue, please contact staff counselling (if you are a member of staff), your GP, or the Mind UK website.”
Thanks to everyone who came along and well done to the Health and Wellbeing team for organising the events.
If you want to learn more about mental health, visit the NHS Employers website to see their tool kit.