St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has published its 2008/09 annual report and accounts, summarising key activity and achievements during the last financial year. The report takes on the theme of 24/7 healthcare, and features key areas of the Trust’s work, such as its cutting edge robotic surgery and developments in its bids to become a major trauma centre and hyper acute stroke unit.

The report also examines how staff training is being revolutionised by the Trust’s advanced patient simulator centre, and reviews the Hospital’s activity as a leading centre for cancer care. Key performance indicators such as the Annual Health Check, which saw St George’s rating rise from Fair to Good, are also featured, as well as the Trust’s summary financial accounts.

Chief Executive David Astley said: “The last financial year was an important one for St George’s and there were some major achievements for the Trust. The opening of our new Grosvenor Wing main entrance is a clear signal that we are investing firmly in our future, and our reduction in infection rates once again places us as one of the best performing London Teaching Hospitals.

“Steady financial progress has manoeuvred us into a firm position to press ahead with work to become a Foundation Trust and secure the future of one of London’s most important hospitals.”

The annual report is available to download via the website. Hard copies are also available and can be requested by emailing: or calling 020 8725 5151.

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