Share your thoughts on our potential integration with St Helier Hospital
St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust has been invited to formally bid to integrate with St Helier Hospital, including Sutton Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital for Children.
To help us develop our bid we would like to invite local stakeholders to share their views with us at a special meeting to be on Thursday 18th August 2011 from 18.00hrs to 20.00hrs.
The event will take place in the Hyde Park Room on the 1st floor of the Lanesborough Wing at St George’s Hospital, Blackshaw Road, Tooting SW17 OQT. It will be hosted by Naaz Coker, trust chair; Peter Coles, interim chief executive; Mike Bailey, consultant urologist; and Alison Robertson, director of nursing and patient safety.
This event will be a great opportunity to find out more about St George’s Healthcare and to put your views about the potential integration with St Helier Hospital.
View the stakeholder event online
If you are unable to make it to the stakeholder event but would still like to take part you can use Twitter or the CoverItLive box below.
To take part on Twitter use the #sghbid hashtag
To take part using CoverItLive, you need to make sure you are on this page of our website at 18.00hrs on Thursday 18th August. The CoverItLive box below will display up to the minute events from the event. To receive a reminder before the meeting starts enter your email address in the box below and you will recieve an email when the event is about to start.
Notes to editors
For more information, please contact the communications team at St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust on 020 8725 5151 or email Outside working hours, please page the team by calling 0844 822 2888, leaving a short message and contact details for pager SG548.