The next public meeting to discuss the potential integration of St George’s Healthcare with St Helier Hospital, including Sutton Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital for Children, will take place on Thursday 6th October 2011.

The meeting will take place in the Whitehall Lecture Theatre at St Helier Hospital from 18:15 to 20:00hrs.

The meeting will be hosted by a panel including Peter Coles, interim chief executive, Dr Mike Bailey, clinical lead for St Helier integration, Dr Andy Kent, dean of education at St George’s, University of London, and Sarah Wilton, non-executive director.

The panel will give the audience an insight into St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust, why we are bidding for integration, where we are with our bid and the existing clinical and academic links between the two organisations, before taking questions from the floor.

Local people can help us develop our bid by sharing their views on the potential integration and letting us know what concerns they may have.

Anybody who would like to attend the meeting should complete the registration form at

Notes to editors

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