The RTS award-winning documentary series returns for a fifteenth series following patients treated in the same 24 hour period at St George’s in south west London.

The hospital has one of the busiest A&E departments in Britain – under more pressure than ever.  It’s a place where stories of life, love and loss unfold every day.

Keen cyclist Stephen, 48, arrives with a severely damaged ankle after coming off his bike deep in the Surrey woods. His ankle is so severely damaged he has been transferred to St George’s from another hospital.

Derek, 89, is rushed in after collapsing with a suspected stroke in his garden. With the clock ticking, the stoke team have to take the urgent decision to thrombolyse or not.

Finally 70-year-old Bridget has a broken wrist after slipping on a mountain path in Greece.

Tune in tonight (Wednesday 5 September) at 9pm on Channel 4.

Follow us on Twitter @StGeorgesTrust and get involved – using #24HrsAE – with our live tweeting during each episode.

Notes to editors

For more information, please contact Pippa Harper, Media Manager, on or 020 8266 6128.