Buddhi Pant grew up in the Gorkha district in Nepal. His hometown, Simley, and surrounding villages were all destroyed by the earthquake that you will have heard about on the news.

People are still living in fear following many aftershocks, but they live in hope that help will come soon.

Health Partnership Nepal, formed in 2007, is a charitable healthcare link between St George’s University London (SGUL) and Nepal Medical College and Teaching Hospital (NMCTH) in Kathmandu.

HPN support communities in rural parts of Nepal by running outreach clinics and operating theatres to provide healthcare needs.

Every year, St George’s doctors, nurses and students volunteer to support this work including training doctors and local healthcare workers.

Buddhi, who currently works at St George’s as a Children’s Services as a manager has come to appreciate HPN’s work in Nepal.

He has made it his mission to help rebuild the medical facility near to his home town so that the people living there can have access to the healthcare they so desperately need.

Medical provisions are scarce meaning the medical centre may need to serve all communities within a radius that equates to 6-hours travel.

We can all see from the news that Nepal needs our support. Buddhi and his St George’s colleagues want to help.

If you would like to donate to HPN you can do so online:




And via text:

Text HPNP15 £10 to 70070.