Meet some of our #LeftHanded superstars as St George’s celebrates International #LeftHandersDay
What do Leonardo Da Vinci, Kim Basinger, Pierce Brosnan, Lewis Carroll, Sir Paul McCartney, Celine Dion, Prince William and Paula Radcliffe have in common? Yes, you guessed it, they are all left handed!
Today (Aug 13) is International Left Handers Awareness Day we’re featuring some of our very own left handed Trust super stars to mark the day.

Meet Hayley Mitchell (pictured in pink) and Britany Mason (pictured in blue)
Hayley is an Assistant Service Manager which means she manages the admin staff for the Vascular Surgery Department. She is also the PA for both the Professors and Care Group Lead for Vascular Surgery.
Brittany is the Multi-Disciplinary Team Co-Ordinator for Vascular Surgery. She co-ordinates three multi-disciplinary team meetings each week as well as other meetings. She’s a super star and helps out all the staff in the vascular department.

Meet Louise Willows
Louise is a Clinical Nurse Teacher for pre-registration nurses. She works with student nurses from Kingston and Kings Universities who are on placement in the medical wards at St George’s Hospital. She supports them clinically,, provides 1:1 and group teaching and acts as a link between the hospital and universities. To add to this, she supports ward mentors.
On being left handed, she said: “Views towards left handedness have improved a lot over the years. People often used to remark about it and make fun, now they rarely do. It was difficult at school when I had to write with an ink pen as I always used to smudge my page as I was writing over the ink! Also in the 1990’s I worked in interventional radiology, and the radiologist found it hilarious watching me trying to cut dressings etc. Eventually he did say that we should order some left handed scissors for me! ”

Meet Dyhian Mckenzie-Manning
Dyhian is a Primary Care Liaison Officer/PA at the Trust and her role is to implement and facilitate the GP engagement plan to build customer loyalty.

Meet Alex Reynolds
Alex is a Physician Associate for Cheselden Ward, the Vascular Surgical ward. He takes care of patients while he’s here, and also lectures in Reading, teaching other Physician Associates. While on the ward he helps doctors treat patients and is a real asset to the team. Colleagues comment on how lucky they are to have someone so knowledgeable as part of the team.

Meet Jonathan Silver
Jonathan is a Clinical Scientist and he advises on as well as manages all sorts of medical equipment.

Meet Mary Godfrey
Mary is a Healthcare Assistant in the Cardiothoracic department. Her job is to assist the nurses to help make patients stay as pleasant as possible.
If you would like to join our fantastic team here at St George’s and work with colleagues like Hayley, Brittany, Louise, Dyhian, Alex, Mary and Jonathan, visit our recruitment page to see what opportunities are available.