Maternity Perinatal Symposium 2024: Robson Ten Group Classification System
Join our Perinatal and Fetal Monitoring Group at St George’s for their biannual symposium to encourage open conversation and sharing best practice.
The events focus on topical, cutting edge, ethical and controversial aspects of perinatology with each event being hosted by a different panel of special guests.
Join us on Friday 26 April 2024 to learn about the “Robson Ten Group Classification System”, a new perinatal audit system recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) & adopted by NHS England for monitoring, assessing, and comparing Caesarean section rates and other perinatal outcomes.
The panellist include Professor Mike Robson, who developed the system, and Dr Ana Pilar Betrán from the WHO.
We would love to welcome as many healthcare professionals as possible to the event.
Date: Friday 26 April 2024
Time: 2.00 – 6.00pm
Location: Monckton Lecture Theatre, ground floor, Grosvenor Wing, St George’s University Hospital, Tooting, SW17 0QT.
Reception and drinks to follow from 6-8pm in the Hyde Park Room, first floor, Lanesborough Wing, St George’s Hospital
To sign up, please email