#KidsDeserveStGeorges – help us to keep caring for children with cancer
A consultation into the future location of children’s cancer services for those living in south London and much of south east England has launched yesterday (Tuesday 26 September).
To coincide with the NHS England (London and South East regions) led consultation, St George’s has launched #KidsDeserveStGeorges to keep caring for children with cancer, as one of the two available options within the consultation. The other location is the Evelina London Children’s Hospital.
St George’s has provided specialist children’s cancer services in partnership with The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust as part of the current Principal Treatment Centre for more than 25 years. Last year, the Trust treated more than 170 young people living with cancer.
St George’s plans to build a brand-new Children’s Cancer Centre – which can be seen here – housing fantastic medical facilities, state-of-the-art research facilities and recreational, educational and therapeutic spaces in the future, if successful in the consultation.
According to Young Lives vs Cancer research, 9 in 10 young cancer patients and their families use a car to make all or at least part of their journeys, describing it as the “only viable way” to travel to and from hospital.
St George’s has built this into plans for the brand-new Children’s Centre with the availability to drive up to the front door and park in dedicated car parking spaces, therefore eliminating the risk of infection to vulnerable kids from public transport. It will boast family accommodation too.
St George’s urges the public to share their views in the consultation – available to complete here – and encourage their friends and family members to do the same.
Dr Chris Streather, Medical Director, NHS England (London) said:
“We have two strong options for the future location of the Centre and want to get feedback from children, families and staff throughout this consultation.”
The consultation will run for 12-weeks, closing at midnight on Monday 18 December, then NHS England (London and South East regions) will review and take into consideration feedback provided throughout the consultation before making a decision. Services are not expected to change before 2026.
Notes to editors
If you have a media enquiry or any questions about the consultation, please email communications@stgeorges.nhs.uk
More information on #KidsDeserveStGeorges here: Kids Deserve St George’s: children’s cancer services consultation – St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (stgeorges.nhs.uk)
A short film on #KidsDeserveStGeorges here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YFxTyAHRz0
A fly-through of the potential future Children’s Cancer Centre: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUS1q0_eTAE
Please see the NHS England – London press release here: NHS England — London » Public invited to share their views on the proposed future location of specialist cancer services for children
Young Lives vs Cancer research: Running-on-Empty-Report.pdf (younglivesvscancer.org.uk)