Junior doctors welcomed to St George’s
190 new junior doctors joined the Trust yesterday (7 August) – our largest ever intake.
Jacqueline Totterdell, Chief Executive, greeted the juniors at their medical induction, and spoke about the importance of patient safety as well as the learning culture at the Trust.
Dr Sophie Vaughan, Associate Director of Medical Education, who also spoke at the induction, encouraged the new cohort to look out for each other’s health and wellbeing as well as that of their patients.
Richard Jennings, Chief Medical Officer, said: “I’m delighted to welcome the new intake to the Trust.
“Our junior and trainee doctors are absolutely central to making St George’s the great place that it is. They have an exciting opportunity to improve the lives of our patients, and I hope they will have a valuable experience at the Trust.”
Joseph Pavett-Downer, Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education Manager, said: “We’re very excited to welcome our enthusiastic cohort of new talent into the organisation. We hope our colleagues across the Trust will support them in finding their feet in their first few weeks.”
He added: “A huge amount of work goes on in the background in the months leading up to an intake of this size, and its success very much relies on the support and collaborative approach fostered by the various corporate services involved – a very big thank you to those teams, we couldn’t do it without you!”
Welcome to all our new junior doctors at St George’s.