Interactive whiteboards providing improved access to patient information
At St George’s our aim is to have one comprehensive medical record for all patients. This record will follow the patients’ journey through the hospital and providing continuity of care during a patient’s lifetime. This aspiration is part of a larger programme of work to ensure that all patients’ records are electronic and achieve a paperless organisation by 2018.
To help us achieve our ambition last year we were successful in our bid to the Nursing Technology Fund to purchase interactive whiteboards for nursing. The interactive whiteboards are a great addition to bringing better patient care through modernisation of our systems.
Information displayed on the interactive whiteboards comes directly from the patient’s electronic record. Key information displayed includes: length of stay, predicted discharge dates, alerts and allergies.
The Renal department initially piloted the whiteboards and their feedback has been valuable to help inform future training and deployment. The whiteboards are currently being rolled out to all inpatient areas. They are currently being used by the Director of Operations and the Medical Director, both of whom have a whiteboard in their office which they are using daily for team meetings and to monitor bed occupancy.
Alice Kebbay, Practice Educator from Renal said:
“Currently the whiteboard is being used during the Consultant multi-disciplinary team (MDT) board rounds as this is a more detailed round. Using the interactive whiteboard, allows all members of the MDT to view specific patient details.”
For further information, contact Evon Wheeler at SGH.