Injured or unwell? Choose well and use the right health service for your needs
The NHS is experiencing a high demand across all healthcare services and so we need you to play your part and use services wisely.
By choosing the right healthcare service for your needs, you can be seen more quickly and often more locally to you.
Find out which service is most relevant for your needs by reading the information below and choosing the right service for your health needs.
In an emergency…
You should only call 999 if it is a medical or mental health emergency (when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk).
You can also make your own way to an Emergency Department in a medical or mental health emergency, if you are able to do so.
Need mental health support in a crisis? If you live in Wandsworth, Merton, Sutton, Kingston or Richmond, call South West London and St George’s 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Line on 0800 028 8000. Their team of trained NHS mental health professionals will help you to get the care and support you need.
If you need care, but it isn’t an emergency, there are a number of options available…
If you have an urgent healthcare need but it isn’t an emergency, contact NHS 111 online or call 111 as your first port of call, as this service can quickly advise you where to go and what to do next.
Your local pharmacy can provide advice on minor health concerns from skin rashes to earaches and flu. You don’t need an appointment and they can advise on the best medicines for many common illnesses. Find out more about how your pharmacy can help. You can find your nearest pharmacy here.
Contact your GP surgery for appointments about illnesses or injuries that won’t go away. Many GPs offer an out of hours service, as well as GP hubs being available in Wandsworth and Merton offering appointments 8am – 8pm, bookable via your usual GP surgery.
Urgent care is available at Queen Mary’s in Roehampton via the South West London GP led urgent care service which offers bookable appointments with GPs, nurses and paramedics for minor illnesses and injuries. This is not a walk-in service and you must call to book an appointment in advance by contacting 020 8725 0120.
For further information on the care available in Wandsworth, including 24/7 mental health support, see our ‘know where to go’ leaflet. (PDF)
The NHS also offers expert help and information online via the NHS website. Try the NHS Health A-Z or Symptom Checker for initial advice, before seeking medical assistance. The NHS has also developed a range of apps to provide you with straightforward information on a range of health issues.
How to stay well
If you take regular medication, please ensure that you have enough and collect repeat prescriptions in advance of when they are needed. You should also keep a well-stocked medicine cabinet including pain killers, anti-histamines and plasters, for example.
Remember to wear SPF to protect your skin all year round, and particularly in the warmer months remember to stay hydrated and have preventative medicines on hand if you suffer with asthma, hayfever or insect bites/stings.
Please regularly check in on vulnerable family, friends and neighbours who may need additional support, particularly in colder or very hot weather.
Over winter, those eligible should consider getting their vaccines to protect themselves, those around them and the NHS. You can find out more and book them here.
Keep warm in the winter months by wearing additional appropriate layers for the colder weather and maintaining a warm home or accessing community ‘warm spaces’ in Wandsworth here and Merton here.
You can also access community support in Wandsworth by calling 020 3880 0366 or in Merton by calling 020 8066 4086.
You can keep up to date with the weather forecast by checking the Met Office’s website here.