The latest inpatients Care Quality Commission (CQC) national survey has confirmed patient experience improvements for St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’s patients. The trust is now achieving results expected of a major healthcare provider that compare favourably with similar organisations.

Staff developed and implemented a range of changes that saw the trust record improvements in patient experience in last year’s survey that have not only been sustained this year but improved further still, with the trust now ranked as ‘about the same’ as most other trusts in the country in all of the 77 survey questions.

Miles Scott, chief executive, said:

“This is a fantastic achievement for our staff. The national inpatient survey is a very important indicator of how all NHS trusts in the country are performing, using the most important people in the NHS, our patients, to tell us how we are doing.”

Alison Robertson, chief nurse and director of operations, said:

“This improvement would not have been possible without the continued hard work and commitment of our staff. We have made some important changes including improving the choice of food available to patients and making sure they get the help they need at mealtimes, improvements to patient information and encouraging patients to share their worries and concerns with a senior sister or matron on the ward so that they can be resolved quickly.

“We should be proud of the improvements we have made and sustained and recognise this as a solid foundation to get even better. In taking time to reflect on how far we have come over the last two years, we should consider how we can use these improvements to develop our services further.”

Notes to editors

Individual reports for all NHS trusts are available on the Care Quality Commission website at

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