Getting to know Jai…
Jai is a trauma consultant at St George’s Hospital. He is seen in episode one of the 7th series of ’24 hours in A&E’ (aired 30/10/14) treating a young woman called Kerry who has lost part of her leg in a motorbike accident.
What is your role within A&E?
Care Group Lead & Consultant Adult and Paediatric Emergency Physician.
How long have you worked at St George’s?
5 years and 11 months.
How many patients do you treat in an average day? What conditions / illnesses do they have?
The emergency department (ED) receives approximately 350 new patients a day. When I am on a clinical shift, I normally work a 9.5 hour shift. The number of patients I see depends on the area I work. For example, resus work would involve seeing less number of patients compared to majors or in urgent care as resus patients are more sick. However, on an average I would see approximately 20 patients per shift. I encounter different patients depending on the location I work. For example in resus patients present with major trauma, cardiac arrest, sepsis, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, dislocation of joints / fractures, whereas in urgent care patients present with minor injuries and minor illnesses. I also receive and treat children presenting with various illnesses and injuries.
What did you think when they announced ‘24hrs in A&E’ was going to be filmed at St George’s?
I was involved with the ‘24hrs A&E’ project at the very beginning and showed eagerness and enthusiasm which enabled St George’s to reach the final shortlist. The Clinical Director Dr Phil Moss and Clinical Director for Major Trauma Dr Heather Jarman helped the ED secure the project.
Did you find it had any impact on your day?
At the outset, the filming I felt did have a slight impact on most of the staff including myself. We were a bit anxious as we felt the presence of cameras a bit voyeuristic and wanted to ensure that we came across well and represented the department and the trust in good light. However, after a couple of weeks we naturally slid into our normal working style as our work normally encapsulates and reflects our trust values of being Kind, Excellent, Responsible and Respectful.
What have you enjoyed the most from your experience of ‘24hrs in A&E’?
I have enjoyed and learnt from watching “ER” series when I was growing up and the ER music still echoes in my head whenever I walk into the resus room. I had a secret desire to appear on a TV show. 24 Hours A&E made it possible on two counts; I appear in their initial episodes as well in their pre-title sequence. There are a lot of good learning points in the programme both for the public and doctors alike. I hope this series will prove to be as informative and appealing as ER was to me!
What is your highlight moment of the series?
I have not watched all of the scenes that have been filmed so far to know which the highlight of the series is. However, Series 7 kicks off with a young female who was involved in a major trauma (amputated her leg and fractured her thigh). Receiving and treating her from an out of area helicopter emergency crew would be my highlight as I was involved and wanted to do the best for her as she reminded me of my elder daughter who was only a few years younger to her.
What was the biggest challenge you experienced during the filming?
The biggest challenge I faced during filming was to keep my banter with my ED staff under check. I am known to be cheeky!
What is the benefit of St George’s participating in a show like ‘24hrs in A&E’?
The benefit of St George’s participating in a show like 24hrs in A&E is to show to the world what an Awesome and Audacious A&E team, St George’s possesses. We are seen to be Effective, Efficient and most of all Caring!!
Is there anything that was or wasn’t caught on camera which you wish wasn’t or was?
There are number excellent colleagues from various sections of the department and from the rest of the Hospital who were caught on camera during the filming, some of us more so than others. However, what I want to emphasise is the greatness of the ED team does not only belong to those who appear on the TV screen but to every member of the department and hospital team who work tirelessly every day to deliver the best possible care for the patients coming into St George’s ED. Every member of such a large team could not be adequately captured on camera. However, I am ever so grateful to be part of such an awesome team!