Congratulations to our Project SEARCH graduates
Congratulations to the seven graduates who completed their placements. They were presented with their certificates at a ceremony with mentors, friends and family.
The graduates, aged between 18 and 25, started their placements at St George’s in September 2018 as part of Project SEARCH, a training programme that supports young people with learning disabilities into paid employment.
The placements provided them with real life work experience, in various areas including the Atkinson Morley reception, education and development, portering, outpatients, and the Student Union shop. This experience has helped to develop their skills for future employment.
Some of the graduates have been offered jobs within the Trust; in Ingredients restaurant, outpatients and theatre portering, and one graduate has secured a job with retailer Next.
One of the graduates, Lewis Applewhite Frost said: “I have really enjoyed my year at Project SEARCH and have learnt so much. I felt like part of a family with all my colleagues in the Ingredients team and I am really looking forward to starting my full time job there. I feel very lucky to have found a job at St George’s as I have loved my work experience placement this last year, and I can’t wait to earn my own money and be independent.”
A big well done to the graduates and to our teams for supporting this fantastic project!