Chin up and carry on for tonight’s ’24 Hours in A&E’
Tonight’s episode of ’24 Hours in A&E’ features patients who believe in keeping their chin up and carrying on, no matter what life throws at them.
Professional actor Dudley has come to A&E after injuring his shoulder in a fall while rushing to catch a train. “It was agony, the worst pain I’ve ever had in my life,” says Dudley, who also admits. “I’d be a liar if I said I’d never been accused of being a drama queen.”
The medics discover that Dudley has broken his shoulder and may need surgery, but he’s got a performance tonight and the show must go on. But during his treatment doctors think there might be something seriously wrong with him and Dudley has to face up to his mortality, while reflecting on his much-loved mother’s death.
82-year-old Barbara and her 80-year-old husband Clarence are brought to St George’s after being knocked over by a motorbike while crossing the road. Doctors are most worried about Barbara, who arrives by helicopter with a head wound and a badly broken leg.
The couple have been together for six decades and are inseparable. “We’re clipped together, we’re twins really my wife and I. We’ve never had a cross word,” says retired university professor Clarence. “We’ve had it rough both of us. During the second world war we were both bombed out and both our mothers died within the year.”
Paramedics bring in a man who collapsed after a suspected drugs overdose. Doctors need to discover what drugs he has taken before deciding how to treat him, while the police want to question him once the effects of the drugs have worn off.
Meanwhile 88-year-old Isabel is suffering from a swollen leg. She talks about marrying a much younger man when she was fifty, which didn’t work out.