Cancer patient thanks St George’s staff through song
St George’s cancer patient Ayla Hill recently returned to St George’s and performed a song to St George’s nurses to thank them for their kindness and care throughout her treatment.
Ayla wrote the song ‘Liquid Gold’ whilst receiving chemotherapy for bowel cancer at St George‘s this summer (lyrics to the song below).
St George’s nurses gathered around the piano in the Lanesborough wing to hear the song.
Just before her performance, Ayla said: “I met some of you whilst I was receiving here at the Trevor Howell Day Unit this summer. Whilst I was here, and in the units downstairs, I was inspired by all the wonderful nurses I met to write a song about my chemo experience but more importantly the kindness, care and positivity you have all shown me whilst I was here.
“This is my thank you to you all. The song is called ‘Liquid Gold’, the name I used for my treatment this summer. I am also lucky enough to be accompanied today by the brilliant violinist, Claudia Martindale, who has kindly given up her morning to join me. Thank you all for being here. I hope you enjoy the song.”
Commenting on the performance, Natalie Hopkins, St George’s Lead Chemotherapy Nurse, said: “The song gave everyone goose pimples and brought tears to their eyes during the performance – it was so special to hear and makes you realise the true impact we have on the patient journey throughout their chemotherapy.”
‘Liquid Gold’
You always greet me with a smile
Take time to hear my story
Never rushing me on, when I’m not feeing strong
You always know when I feel scared
You always know just what to say
To take those fears away
And you hear the words, I might not always be
Brave enough to say
You always bring light
To the darkest of days
You remind me the forecast is bright
And when you bring me down
To make the hurt go away
You stay standing, trying to hold up that light
And as the liquid gold takes hold
You keep a careful watch close by
Never quite sure how the day will unfold
As the darkness feels the light
And when it’s time for me to go
I have all I need to know
Stepping out on my own, though I’m never alone
As I can call you night and day.