Cancer clinicians appointed LCA pathway group chairs
Two St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust clinicians have been appointed pathway group chairs for the London Cancer Alliance (LCA).
Mr Nicholas Hyde, lead cancer clinician at St George’s, who already sits on the LCA Clinical Board, has been appointed LCA pathway group chair for head and neck cancer, and Professor Barry Powell, head of melanoma services at St George’s, has been appointed the LCA pathway group chair for skin cancer.
The LCA was established in 2011 as the integrated cancer system across south and west London. The LCA works in partnership with 17 NHS organisations to provide comprehensive, integrated cancer patient pathways and services, driving improvements in patient outcomes and experience for the populations served.
LCA Pathway Groups ensure that patients across south and west London have access to the same high quality diagnostics and care, as well as taking on responsibility for co-ordinating the research, education and development of cancer services.
Mr Hyde said: “I am delighted to be part of what promises to be a very exciting project in the development of London’s cancer services. I hope the group I will chair is able to increase awareness of the signs and symptoms of head and neck cancer to help reduce the stage at which this disease presents.
“There are undoubtedly some significant hurdles to overcome and my hope is that I might bring leadership and direction to this work.”
Professor Powell said: “St George’s has always been at the forefront of skin cancer services, not only nationally but internationally. It is right that the trust is recognised for this by taking a lead role for the development of skin cancer services for a large area of London.”
Ros Given-Wilson, medical director, said: “These appointments underline St George’s reputation as an accredited centre of excellence for cancer services.
“Having two of our clinicians appointed to these roles is a testament to the trust’s development of its cancer services over the last 10 years and to the dedication of Nicholas, Barry and their teams. We are very proud to support Barry and Nicholas in their roles at the LCA. ”
Find out more about our cancer services.
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