Today we will start a four week engagement process with our staff and stakeholders about where to provide the services that are currently being provided from the Bolingbroke Hospital in Battersea.

Once we have feedback from everyone involved with the Bolingbroke Hospital, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust will make a decision about whether to go out to formal public consultation on where to provide these services.

The quality of care at the Bolingbroke is excellent and now deserves the best possible environment to be provided from.

There are no plans to close or cut these services, only provide them in the most appropriate places for the patients and residents of Battersea and in the most cost effective way possible.

We are committed to providing and improving local health services for people living in Battersea and the rest of Wandsworth.

Notes to editors

  1. St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust provides services from St George’s Hospital in Tooting, Bolingbroke Hospital in Battersea and the Wolfson Neurorehabilitation Centre in Wimbledon.
  2. The Bolingbroke Hospital currently provides the following clinical services:
    • Day Hospital for older people
    • Outpatient department
    • Imaging and breast screening department
    • GP out of hours surgery
    • podiatry*
    • community dental service*
    • *provided by Wandsworth Teaching Primary Care Trust

  3. Please include in your copy the following text:
    For more information on the Bolingbroke, a copy of the Bolingbroke discussion paper, a question and answer sheet and an email address to send feedback to, please visit our website
  4. For more information please call the press office on 020 8725 5151 or email