Safeguarding adults
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust works hard to ensure that all patients, particularly those that are vulnerable, are cared for in a safe, secure and caring environment. In particular it is important that St George’s protects patients from abuse, whether from within the hospital or from the community.
- The trust has a multi-agency policy and robust procedures in place for responding to and reporting alleged abuse
- The trust’s adult safeguarding steering group reviews local and national guidance and legislation to ensure policies and procedures are relevant and updated
- All trust staff receive mandatory awareness (elearning) training of adult protection as part of their induction
- The trust recognises that particular groups of people, such as those with dementia or a learning disability, can be at risk of abuse. Staff can make a significant difference to their care by treating all patients with respect and dignity
- The trust works closely with colleagues in local authorities in investigating allegations of abuse, and ensures that adult safeguarding referrals are made promptly to the relevant local authority. The Trust works in partnership as required, with local authorities prior to, in the process of, and after referrals have been made.
- The Trust is a participant in the Safeguarding Adults Boards of both Wandsworth/Richmond and Merton to ensure that there is an effective multi-agency approach to protecting vulnerable adults. Through both NHS and partnership training and learning, the Trust Safeguarding team maintain an awareness of developments in practice and policy in relation to safeguarding, including in relation to specific areas of concern i.e. Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.
- The Chief Nurse and Director of Infection Prevention and Control is the Executive Director for safeguarding.
- The trust board takes the issue of safeguarding extremely seriously and receives an annual report on adult safeguarding issues, whilst other Trust specific and partnership committees and boards receive information as required throughout the year. The bi-monthly Trust Safeguarding Committee meets monthly is and the body at which day to day Safeguarding operational information and pressures are considered.
If you have concerns that a vulnerable adult is being abused then please visit the following resources:
For residents of Wandsworth:
For advice and support:
Ageuk – Protecting-Yourself
Elder Abuse
For advice on learning disability: