Board meetings

Trust Board and Group Board meetings

In February 2022, the Board of Directors of St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the Board of Directors of Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust formed a hospital group, with a shared Executive team and a number of in-common Non-Executive Directors. In its first year of operation, the Board of Directors of each Trust met separately.

The meeting papers of the St George’s Trust Board of Directors held in public are available here.

Group Board Meeting Dates

4 July 2024: 10:00 – 13:00

Hyde Park Room, Lanesborough Wing, St George’s Hospital

Our new Group Board arrangements

From May 2023, the Board of Directors of St George’s University Hospitals (SGUH) will meet as a Group Board with the Board of Directors of Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals (ESTH). Under these arrangements the Trust Board of St George’s and the Trust Board of Epsom and St Helier have each established a new “Group Board” committee, the “Group Board (St George’s)” and the “Group Board (Epsom & St Helier)” respectively.

The new Group Board committees are formally constituted as committees of the SGUH and ESTH Boards. The Committees will act under delegated authority from, and at all times remain accountable to, their respective ‘parent’ Trust Boards.

All business conducted by each Committee will be conducted in the name of the respective Trust. In effect, the two Group Board committees will manage both Trusts within the Group. To give effect to these arrangements, both Trust Boards have delegated authority extensively to their respective Group Board committee. This will both empower the Group Board Committees to operate with maximum authority and discharge many of the responsibilities currently exercised by the sovereign Trust Boards.

Meetings of each separate Trust Board will be necessary to deal with certain issues reserved to it, and details of meetings held in public will be made available in advance of the meetings. More details about the new Group Board arrangements are set out in the papers for the first Group Board meeting held on 5 May 2023.

Minutes of all Group Board meetings will be published on the St George’s and the Epsom and St Helier Trust websites.

Public access to meetings and arrangements for submitting questions to the Group Board

Group Board meetings, like Trust Board meetings, will be held in public and members of the public are very welcome to attend in person.

Questions from the public to the Group Board may be submitted up to 24 hours before the meeting, and responses to questions will typically be given at the end of Group Board meetings. As with the current Trust Board arrangements, we are not able to address any questions at the Group Board unless submitted in advance. If you have questions you would like to ask the Group Board, please submit these to

Publication of Group Board meeting papers

The papers for board meetings will be published here.

The agendas for Group Board meetings will be published the Friday before each meeting is due to take place.

The minutes of meetings are published once they are approved as a true record of events at the subsequent meeting and signed by the chairman of the trust.

Further information

For further information regarding board meetings, or if you would like copies of any of the agenda papers, please contact:

Group Chief Corporate Affairs Officer
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
St George’s Hospital
Blackshaw Road
SW17 0QT

Tel: 020 8725 2187