Membership FAQs

What does membership mean?

Foundation Trusts are membership organisations. Becoming a member is free and demonstrates that you:

  • Support us
  • Believe in our values (Kind, Excellent, Responsible, Respectful)
  • Care about the services we provide
  • Want to hear more from us and celebrate our success

Members will:

  • Receive regular news and information from the trust
  • Receive invitations to events and seminars
  • Be entitled to vote for and elect the council of governors
  • Be able to stand for election to the council of governors
  • Get Health Service Discounts:

Our members will elect the majority of our council of governors who will represent the views of the membership to the board of directors.
The council of governors:

  • Engage with the board of directors on their performance, compliance with the terms of authorisation and other matters related to the general well being of the NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Engage with the membership and represent their views to the board of directors
  • Advise the board of directors on strategic plans and service developments
  • Appoint the chair and non-executive directors
  • Appoint the trust’s auditors

How old do you need to be to join as a member, vote in elections and stand for election to be a governor?

Our plans are for people to be able to join as a member and vote from 14 years old and to stand for election to become a governor at 16.

How many governors are there?

The council of governors is composed of 28 people as follows:

  • 8 stakeholder governors appointed from local organisations such as local councils and St George’s, University of London
  • 5 staff governors elected by staff
  • 15 public governors elected by public members in the areas which we serve

How are the governors held to account for their performance?

Governors are elected representatives and will be held to account mainly through the membership and elections. If they under perform it is unlikely that they will be re-elected after 3 years. Governors will be given training and support in fulfilling their public role.

How will you encourage patients and members of the public to join the trust as members?

We currently have more than 12,300 public members and are signing up new members all the time.  There is no upper limit to the number of public members we can have.