Change your appointment

On this page, you can change or cancel your appointment, or update your personal details. Please follow the instructions below based on your specific needs:

Immediate assistance
For appointments within the next 24 hours: Please call us immediately at 020 8725 0007.

Specific Departments

  • Moorfields Eye Clinic: To cancel or reschedule, click here or call 020 8266 6334.
  • Diagnostics and Imaging (X-ray or Scans): Please call 020 8725 3037.
  • Hospital Admission Changes or Queries: Click here for assistance.
  • Patient Transport Cancellations: Inform the team at 020 8725 0808 if you need to cancel arranged transport.

To change your hospital admission date or for admission queries,  click here

Change or cancel your appointment online

Complete the form below to reschedule or cancel your appointment, or to update your details. Check the boxes that match your needs, and the appropriate form will appear.