The Process

The team brief process

As of December 2014 a new bi-monthly system of briefing all staff at the trust is being introduced called the team brief.

The team brief consists of a core brief and a local brief. The core brief is produced by the executive management team and a local brief is created by each divison or directorate for their teams only.

The process operates throughout the trust at every level with managers delivering both the core brief and local brief through face-face meetings to their members of staff. Rather than creating a new meeting structure to disseminate the team brief, where possible all managers must make use of the exiting meeting structure that is in place. If a meeting with staff is not in place, one will need to be created.

All line managers at the trust will be responsible for meeting with their staff bi-monthly to provide the face-to-face team brief.

The cascade process for the team brief is as follows:

  • Every two months the CEO will present the core brief at the four Divisional Management Boards (DMB) and to directorate leads
  • Each division also creates a local brief and presents this at DMB or to directorate leads with information relevant to their staff only
  • The core brief and local brief are then collated in to a single team brief which is then cascaded on to direct reports. A written version of the team brief is made available to each manager.
  • Those mangers are now in position to brief their own staff face-to-face with the team brief.
  • The onward cascade continues throughout each level of management or supervision until all members of staff at the trust have received a face-face brief
  • At each point a manager who is responsible for delivering the team brief must record that they have completed the team brief and recorded the feedback from their staff.
  • At any point a manager or a person receiving the team brief can a ask a question about the information they received in the team brief.
  • The feedback from staff is presented to the executive management team to inform the next team brief and where relevant to address staff concerns

If you have any questions or require any advice or additional information about the team brief process please email

Record Team Brief Notes

Record Feedback From Staff