Tagged: award

New Year letter to staff
News & events | 3 Jan 2013 | Tags: a&e award community services education Foundation Trust Francis Inquiry improvement inspection Miles Scott partnerships staff
2012 was a momentous year for the country and also for St George’s. The Jubilee and then the Olympics caught our imagination and brought people together as well as heralding unprecedented sporting success.
At St George’s we continued our proud tradition of providing excellent patient care. The Dr Foster Hospital Guide once again identified St George’s as one of a handful of Trusts to have statistically significant low mortality rates, a key marker of quality and safety.
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Who is your NHS Hero?
News & events | 3 Aug 2012 | Tags: award Miles Scott NHS Hero nominations
NHS Heroes is a new national award scheme that recognises the efforts of staff whose expertise, passion for care, concern and everyday kindness touches the lives of patients and their families in hospital and community services. People whose day-to-day work has changed, enhanced or even saved a life dear to them.
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Innovative project named finalist in 2012 HSJ Efficiency Awards
News & events | 27 Jul 2012 | Tags: award efficiency estates and facilities heat recovery HSJ Hugh Gostling
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, has been listed as a finalist in the 2012 HSJ Efficiency Awards for a heat recovery project that aims to reduce the trust’s carbon footprint and save money.
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Breast care nurse wins patient award
News & events | 23 Jul 2012 | Tags: award Breast Care Nurse Sue Lowndes
A St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust nurse has been voted ‘Breast Care Nurse of the Year 2011’ by patients and customers of a specialist women’s clothing company.
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St George’s rare cancer care wins national award
News & events | 13 Jul 2010 | Tags: award Karl-Storz-Harold national rare cancer Telescope
The prestigious Karl-Storz-Harold Hopkins Golden Telescope has been awarded to consultant urological surgeon Mr Nick Watkin from St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust, London, in recognition of his work in male genital reconstruction and penile cancer. St George’s is a specialist centre for penile cancer, a rare condition affecting around 400 …
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Award for St George’s receptionist
News & events | 1 Jun 2009 | Tags: Adeola Talabi award BAFTA Unsung Hero
A receptionist at St George’s Hospital has been named as an `Unsung Hero` for her rapport with patients and dedication to her job in the 2009 London Health and Social Care Awards. Adeola Talabi, who joined St George’s as a general porter and who is currently part of the reception team, …
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