My Care Patient Portal

MyCare St George’s Patient Portal offers a convenient and user-friendly solution for patients to take control of their appointments and access appointment letters online. Through a responsive website accessible from both desktop computers and mobile devices, patients can easily manage their healthcare schedule.

Login to My Care

Go paperless with My Care

We know that many of our patients would prefer to receive communications digitally rather than by paper. As part of our commitment to sustainability and listening to our patients, we can now offer you the ability to receive all your hospital communications digitally through the My Care Patient Portal.

If you have previously opted into paperless letters, this function will automatically activate on November 26 2024. Please note, there may be times when you still receive a paper letter as we transition all clinical services across to the new system.

To see the steps for going paperless, visit our guide, or follow the instructions provided in the portal.

If you need help or support, please visit My Care Help Centre

Registering for My Care

To initiate the registration process, My Care utilises the mobile telephone number we have for you to send an initial invitation to register. Upon receiving an initial invitation, patients are prompted to register and create their own unique login credentials.

Once registered, My Care provides patients with 24/7 access to their account.

You will be able to provide key information ahead of your appointment, helping us to better prepare for your appointment. In some instances, this information may even result in the need for less hospital visits. The portal is available to all patients aged over 16.


The My Care patient information leaflet includes a step-by-step guide to setting up access to the portal.

For any questions about the information you can see in My Care, please contact contact Zesty support using the email address Patient Portal – Help Centre (

St George’s Patient appointment data on the NHS app

Starting from October 2022, St George’s patients now access their appointment information through both the St George’s My Care App and the NHS App.

As one of the first Trusts in England to provide this accessibility, St George’s Hospital has collaborated closely with NHS England to build upon the achievements of the NHS App.

In practical terms, as of October 2022 St George’s patients have the flexibility to access their hospital appointment details through either the My Care App or the NHS App.

At this point the NHS App only contains the first outpatient referral appointment, appointment letter and then all follow up appointments at St George’s. Whereas My Care currently offers patients the following features:

  • View upcoming appointments and appointment letters *
  • Receive messages directly from your consultant or care lead
  • Complete questionnaires prior to attending hospital, such as pre-op questionnaires
  • View hospital letters and documentation
  • View your test results *
  • View your known allergies
  • Access links to useful healthcare information

* Some sensitive or potentially sensitive information will not appear on the portal.  This includes some clinic appointments or tests results.  Your care team will discuss your results with you; and we will notify you by letter about your appointment. If you have any concerns about missing information, please raise this with your care team.

How to register for My Care St George’s


Frequently Asked Questions

My Care St George’s is designed to be easy to use and help put you in control of your healthcare. See below for some commonly asked questions about My Care St George’s.

The My Care St George’s is a secure online system provided by St George’s that allows you to look at information from your hospital record, view hospital appointments, receive test results and messages from your hospital care team. It is available from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

At present, My Care St George’s is available to St George’s University Hospital’s Foundation Trust patients aged 16 and over.

Registering for My Care St George’s

You can register for the My Care St George’s once your first appointment at St George’s has been scheduled.

Upon your appointment being scheduled, if we have an email address for you, you will receive a text message with a link to invite you to register for My Care St George’s. The link will take you to the My Care St George’s website homepage where you can register and view your appointment.

The registration details will also be in the appointment letter you receive.

Alternatively you can register for the patient portal from the login page via this link:

Patient Portal – Welcome to Patient Portal (

To register you will need a working email address. At the point of registration, you will be requested to provide your date of birth, email address and mobile phone number.
As part of the recommendation process, you’ll set up your own username and password.

We recommend that you do not use a shared mobile number or email address when you sign up, as your confidential health information could then be available to others to view

Open the text message from My Care, select the invite link (in the invitation text message) and complete your details. You will then receive an SMS message containing a 5-digit code. If you do not receive a code, you can request another code by selecting the button labelled “I did not receive a code”. Then, provide your consent to access your care information at St George’s.

Yes. The text message provides the option to stop receiving any further messages. You can also opt out from receiving messages once you are logged in to the portal.

No. This feature will be available in the future.

Yes. As soon as you receive a text message from St Georges to enrol for My Care St George’s, you can register, without the need to come into hospital.

From the day your appointment is set it may take up to 7 days to receive your email inviting you to complete your registration. Don’t forget to check your junk or spam folders in case it has been received there instead of your inbox.

No.  Not at this time, but in the future you will be able to go paper free.


Logging in to My Care St George’s

Patients who have enrolled for My Care St George’s can access the login page by going to the My Care St George’s website on their PC or mobile device.

Yes, patients who have registered for My Care St George’s can use their NHS App login details to access their information by going to the My Care St George’s website on their PC or mobile device.

Please note that if you access My Care using your NHS login details, the identity verification services are managed by NHS Digital.

NHS Digital is the controller for any personal information you provided to NHS Digital to get a NHS login account and verify your identity, and uses that personal information solely for that single purpose.

For this personal information,  we must act under the instructions provided by NHS Digital (as the “controller”) when verifying your identity. To see NHS Digital’s Privacy Notice and Terms and Conditions, please click here. This restriction does not apply to the personal information you provide to us separately.

For more information on how we collect, use, retain and share personal information which we hold please see the St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust privacy notice

If you have forgotten your email address, you can use your NHS number and date of birth to find your email address. Select forgot email on the webpage. Add your NHS number and date of birth. If the details are correct the system will display your email address.

You can reset your email address via an authentication code sent to your selected mobile number.
To do this, select “reset your email address” and enter your code.

No, the email held on your patient your record is not updated. Only the mail registered to access My Care is updated.

No, alterations made to your personal information will not be pulled through to your hospital record. If your details have changed, please contact your GP practice and the hospital.

Your email address is stored in two places in the portal. Firstly, as the email address for managing the account and secondly as the email address to receive notifications when new information is added. You should change it in both these places:
1. Click the settings icon on the home page and select notifications. On the notifications screen, enter your updated email in the email address field and save.
2. Click the settings icon on the home page and select account. On the account screen, click the update account settings link, then click the email link and follow the instructions to update your email address


Using My Care St George’s

The documents and test results have been produced by clinicians and used to communicate with your GP and/or other health professionals, so they do contain necessary medical terminology. If you do not understand any of the content, we recommend you discuss this at your next appointment.

There is also a useful website that provides information in plain English on what various tests are for, and what the results indicate. This can be accessed here:

For each appointment, the patient is presented with key information including:

• Location
• Appointment status
• Specialty
• Appointment date and time

Information as to whether there are unread appointment letters are available

Once you have registered, you can log in at any time and increasingly, you will be able to cancel or reschedule your appointments. We will be introducing more options over the coming months to provide you with even greater access to your information.

The My Care St George’s can be accessed using the Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox web browsers. If you have trouble viewing the portal, you might need to get an updated version of your web browser. A PDF reader is needed to view some documents within the portal.

My Care St George’s can be viewed on a tablet or smartphone and is designed to adjust to the mobile device you are using. There is no app for the My Care St George’s currently

If you believe the error relates to something important then please contact your care team. Our patient advice and liaison service (PALS) can help you to get this corrected. PALS can be contacted on 020 8725 2453 or email If the error is not critical then please raise this next time you are visiting the hospital, so that your clinician can correct it when they see you.


Security and access

As long as you keep your log in details secure, the information is safe. Make sure you log out properly every time you leave the My Care St George’s and be careful with your log in information.

Please note that if you access My Care using your NHS login details, the identity verification services are managed by NHS Digital.

NHS Digital is the controller for any personal information you provided to NHS Digital to get a NHS login account and verify your identity, and uses that personal information solely for that single purpose.

For this personal information,  we must act under the instructions provided by NHS Digital (as the “controller”) when verifying your identity. To see NHS Digital’s Privacy Notice and Terms and Conditions, please click here. This restriction does not apply to the personal information you provide to us separately.

For more information on how we collect, use, retain and share personal information which we hold please see the St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust privacy notice

For further information on Cerner’s commitment to keeping your information secure please see

We take the security of your personal information very seriously and there are strict rules about how we use your data; we will register your email address on our main hospital system to contact you regarding your My Care St George’s account.

This contact information will be used to communicate with you regarding your health. By providing your email address, you are giving us permission to interact with you for other health related reasons not solely limited to correspondence from the HealtheLife by Cerner patient portal.

For more information on how we collect, use, retain and share personal information which we hold please see the St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust privacy notice

For further information on Cerner’s commitment to keeping your information secure please see

At this stage you can only see information contained within the hospital record. Your GP record is on a different system and therefore not included in the My Care St George’s currently. A single patient record is something that we are exploring with other organisations. However, this is some time away from being developed.

The My Care St George’s is your record. Clinicians will not be able to directly see what is included within the My Care St George’s, but as clinicians involved in your care in the hospital and at your GP surgery, they will of course be able to see the same information within your hospital record.


Still have questions?

If you have any questions about the information you can see in your electronic health record, please contact contact Zesty support using the email address Patient Portal – Help Centre (