How will my training record be updated?
Once you have completed the training, completion records from Learn@StGeorges will be uploaded into our Compliance Reporting Tool, ARIS. Once you have joined the trust, and an employee ID has been generated, we will match your records to that employee ID and your compliance record will be updated
How long will the training take?
Typically, an average across all topics is probably about 30 mins per topic: some may take longer, some less time. But if you want to do the training across several attempts, best to give yourself 30 mins for any topic you begin to allow for completion.
Does everyone have to do MAST Training?
Yes. MAST stands for Mandatory and Statutory Training so the training you are being asked to complete is either a legal (statutory) obligation or has been mandated by the Trust that staff must complete that particular topic.
What if I have done some of the training before?
St George’s is a signatory to the Core Skills Training Framework, as are over 200 other NHS Trusts. The Framework is a common agreement of learning outcomes and objectives for essential training. If you have completed training at one of the trusts on the register and the training is still valid, we will accept proof of training as evidence of completing that training. Steps:
- Check if your last employer was an signatory:
Search Register of Training Providers and Topics - If you have valid training records to submit, please email your evidence to the MAST Team at:
Any other questions
This is not an extensive list, so if you have any other questions please contact the MAST Team at:
Last Updated: 15th March, 2022