Feeling sick or being sick
- Able to eat and drink normal intake
- Only 1 episode of sickness in 24 hours
- Passing normal amounts of urine
- See Nausea self care advice
- Let your chemotherapy team know at your next appointment
- Can eat and drink but less than normal
- 2-5 episodes of sickness in 24 hours
- Less urine than normal
Contact the Acute Oncology Helpline for further advice:
0783 114 7653
- Not really able to eat or drink
- 6-10 episodes of being sick in 24 hours
- Much less urine than normal
Contact the Acute Oncology HelplineĀ immediately on:
0783 114 7653
You may be asked to attend the Ambulatory Oncology Clinic (AOCU) or the Emergency Department (ED) for assessment